
Will you give your best gift away?

“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5, NIV).

This Christmas I want to experience the gift of Jesus himself and the light he brings into my life. As I do this, I believe I’m better prepared to offer the gift of his life to people I’ll come in contact with. That’s a gift we could all use. 

If we’re not careful, the word “gift” can cause more busyness and stress than joy and celebration.

This past Saturday morning I had a million things rushing through my mind. In the middle of feeling so distracted, a picture came to me. It was of a snow globe with flurries of snow in constant motion.

I was busy with all my good intentions of “doing advent,” and was paying attention to my list of gifts to buy and rooms to decorate. I needed to be still and let the flurries fall away so I could see clearly what to focus my heart and mind on.

I remembered that life comes from Jesus. God gave his only Son as the ultimate gift to humanity, to bring us into his family. He is my best gift and my truest treasure. He is what I most want to offer everyone I have a meaningful conversation with over Christmas.

My picture of a snow globe simply reminded me that if I want to give anyone the gift of knowing what it’s like to enjoy Jesus during the Christmas season, I need to take the time to enjoy him myself.

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Our prayer is that the practical tips and encouragement in each email help you feel more confident in talking about God. We hope this empowers you to play your part in whatever God’s doing in the lives of your friends, family and co-workers.

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