1 Million

Celebrating the first 1 million people

We have reached a major milestone and we think it’s time to celebrate. GodTools has been downloaded for the millionth time. That’s incredible!

Here’s why. People like you, who care about helping others discover Jesus, are using the GodTools app.

The impact of God’s people using GodTools

Over the past 10 years, GodTools has enjoyed significant growth in use all over the world. Our vision is to continue making the app more available and useful to people in every nation and culture so that more people can hear and share the message of Jesus.

Group 660

Discover the stories of GodTools’ first million people

People like you all around the world are using GodTools as a guide for the conversations they have about Jesus. They use the resources available in the app to develop the confidence to start spiritual conversations with neighbors, friends, family and co-workers. 

Click on a name to read a GodTools story. 
Group 675




Daniela learned about the GodTools app when she attended a Cru conference for students. She used the app to share the gospel with her mom in Spanish. Daniella’s mom accepted Christ into her life after their conversation.
Group 672




I used to be crushed by shame, but since talking with you, I know that Jesus doesn’t want me to stay that way. I want to help everyone in my community learn about the freedom God offers us.” A student from the United States helped this person understand the gospel using the “Honor Restored” tool.
Group 705




I shared The Emoji Survey on My WhatsApp Status and friends are responding tremendously. Within only 30 minutes of sharing I have 48 people who have viewed and one person so far has responded. This is the easiest way to share one’s faith online.
Group 673


East Asia


I used the app to share the gospel with a friend from an unreached people group in her heart language!!! I gave her the phone and she just read it out loud from beginning to end. This is amazing because I’ve heard something like 90% [of people here] haven’t even heard Jesus name! Now, she is one step closer to knowing Jesus.
Group 674


Chicago, USA


This summer [on a Cru summer mission trip] we interacted with a lot of international students. One day on campus I approached a girl and quickly learned that she is from China and spoke very little English. And that's when I remembered the GodTools app where we could walk through the gospel in her language. I had never used the app in this way before, but it was one of the best gospel conversations I've had because of how clear it was for her!
Group 676


California, USA


I’ve known what the gospel message is, and have had the desire to share it with others, but I was always stopped by my fear of not saying everything correctly, not knowing what to ask or how to invite someone to accept Jesus. GodTools has all of that.
Group 685




Tim was in the park in downtown Samoa when he struck up a conversation with a man named Aleki who was watching others play basketball. Aleki told Tim that he lived on a plantation and had a couple of kids. Tim found it difficult to talk with Aleki because of the language barrier. But then Tim pulled out the GodTools app and started going through it, toggling back and forth between the English and the Samoan versions. After Aleki read the points in Samoan, Tim asked him if he would like to have a relationship with Christ. Aleki wanted these things and prayed after Tim. Tim then told Aleki, “Now we are brothers in Christ!”
Group 686




I was discipling a lady from Armenia and shared the gospel [using] GodTools in English and Armenian. She shared it with her son and her sister in Bulgarian. She just got baptized and her son received Christ. Her sister wants to get baptized soon too!
Group 687




A North African barista who had never heard about God worked in a café in Melilla, close to where a group of Christians shared the gospel with people every day. R, one of the ladies on the evangelism team, felt called to tell her about Jesus. But the barista only spoke Spanish.

Using the Spanish translations in the GodTools app, R shared the gospel with the barista who discovered that God chose to forgive, not because He had to, but out of love. She prayed to receive Jesus Christ as her Savior. God had clearly been preparing her for that moment.

What's your story? Help us encourage the next 1 million people.

We believe God has a plan for every person who follows him. He wants all of us to experience the joy of helping someone else discover him. Your story could be the inspiration or encouragement someone else needs to overcome their anxiety about having a gospel conversation.

So will you share a story of how GodTools helped you have a conversation with someone about Jesus?

Tell us your GodTools story

For every story we receive (up to 100 stories) $20 will go to missionaries working with unreached people groups around the world.