
GodTools team members tell us what’s on their minds

DOCO headshot 2022

Lucas Mathews 

What’s your role within the GodTools team?

I am the product manager for the GodTools app. I help move the GodTools app forward with new features, tools and lessons.

What’s the problem or challenge you’re wrestling with or thinking about right now?

I’ve been thinking about how to make conversations about Jesus fun and interesting for people who normally would not think of talking about faith as enjoyable.

What prompted you to think about this?

There are a few people in my life I really care about but who just are not interested in faith. Faith does not seem relevant to their lives. However, I have had really interesting conversations with them about spiritual things when it intersects with something they do care about. That got me thinking about how GodTools could help people talk about faith in ways that are interesting and fun.

Why does this problem matter to you?

I think non-Christians have really great questions about faith and spirituality. But Christians are really weird sometimes. I think it would help a lot of Christians if we were more able to engage with people in natural, fun and interesting ways.

What have you learned recently that’s helping you think about this?

As a team, we’ve been talking with non-Christians and hearing what they think about Christianity. Sometimes the feedback is not what we hoped for. But it’s helping us create a product that really can make conversations about Jesus enjoyable for everyone.

What question could our readers answer that might help you with this?

Which conversation about faith that you’ve had with a non-Christian friend has been the most fun, and what made it so enjoyable?

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Justin Sooter

What’s your role within the GodTools team?

I lead the GodTools team and also contribute as a designer on our app and website.

What’s the problem or challenge you’re thinking about right now?

How can we help make evangelism feel more accessible for ALL Christians?

What prompted you to think about this?

You do not have to look very hard for statistics about the dwindling numbers of Christians who personally practice evangelism — especially in Europe and North America.

Personally, I know so many Christians who want to be able to share the good news of Jesus with their neighbors, friends and family. But they are unsure where to start or they’ve had a negative experience of this in the past.

Why does thinking about this problem matter to you?

People still need the gospel. I’m not expecting to find a perfect solution that works for everyone. But I know that one good question, one simple act of kindness, or one single meaningful word is often enough to open the door for deeper and more honest conversation.

What have you learned recently that’s helping you think about this?

I recently read “Effective Intercultural Evangelism” by Jay Moon and Bud Simon. It’s helped me think through how I share my faith through my words, actions and even my attitudes.

I believe people, perhaps more than ever, are looking for transcendence, clarity and stability. People are hungry for the gospel, but we (me included) do not always know where to start.

What question could our readers answer that might help you with this?

I’d love to know, how have you built up the courage, confidence or skill to try sharing your faith?


Ann Cochrum

What’s your role within the GodTools team?

I work with translators to make the app content available in more languages and appropriate for different cultures.

What’s the problem or challenge you’re wrestling with right now?

How do we make using the app a better experience for people who do not have all the content translated into their language?

What prompted you to think about this?

I think it comes from years of considering what people using our app really need.

Why does thinking about this problem matter to you?

The good news of Jesus Christ is for everyone. And we want to help Christians be ready to have conversations about him all around the globe.

What have you learned recently that’s helping you think about this?

I am currently working with language champions from Latvia and Vietnam, and I am so encouraged by their initiative to make the app relevant to their audiences.

What question could our readers answer that might help you with this?

If you are a non-English speaker, how do you think we could improve your experience with the GodTools app?


Jamin Latvala

What’s your role within the GodTools team?

I help our content creators communicate in a clear and effective way.

What’s the problem or challenge you’re thinking about right now?

How can we help Christians overcome the fear of hostility when talking about Jesus?

What prompted you to think about this?

I read an article by Alistair Begg called “Welcome to Exile. It’s Going to Be OK.”

Begg says, “Christians are increasingly going to be seen as different, and not in a good way. We are increasingly going to have to choose between obedience and comfort. The next decades will not bring apathy to the gospel, but antagonism.”

Why does thinking about this problem matter to you?

Helping Christians overcome the fear that threatens to silence us is so important because the gospel is so vital. God will work through us as we courageously and lovingly talk about Him with the people in our life.

What have you learned recently that’s helping you think about this?

Elliot Clark’s “Evangelism as Exiles” helped me see that an effective antidote to fear is knowing you’re not alone. Since the first century, many Christians have lived out their faith in cultures that were hostile to the gospel, and many still do.

What question could our readers answer that might help you with this?

What gives you the courage to lovingly share the gospel when the person you’re talking with is opposed to Christianity?