Q: How long is an internship?
A: Internships run for 12 months from the time that support-raising is complete. The standard process is acceptance notification by April, support-raising until August 1, and on assignment from August through July of the following year.
Q: Are there any academic requirements for doing an internship?
A: Applicants must have a minimum educational background of a high school diploma, at least one year of college, and be at least 18 years of age. A college degree is not required.
Q: How much support will I have to raise?
A: Cru desires all staff to be modestly provided for. The salary of a U.S. intern varies from intern to intern based on various personal factors. One might expect a range of $2000-3000/month. In addition, the intern must raise support for Social Security and federal taxes, health insurance, ministry expenses, and administration.
The total to raise is approximately $4000-$5000/month. The grand total of all support that needs to be raised is on average about $48,000-$60,000 for the year depending on a variety of factors.
Q: Will I receive any training on how to raise support?
A: Yes. After you apply and are accepted, you will be expected to attend a weekend training called a Cru Orientation Weekend held in your area, usually sometime during the month of April.
Q: What if I don’t raise all of my support?
A: If it is time to report to your assignment, but you are not at full support, one of two things can happen. If not much support has come in, then that might be an indicator that God is calling you to do something else.
If you are very close to finishing, a short amount of additional time (two weeks) might be allotted for you to complete your support raising and still get to your assignment. Each situation will be evaluated on an individual basis.
With that said, in 2021, 96% of US interns and 99% of International Interns reported fully funded. So not reporting is a very small percentage of those who start this journey.
Q: Will I have any help and encouragement during the support-raising time?
A: Yes. In Cru, we call support raising Ministry Partner Development (MPD). During your MPD time, you will be assigned a coach who will help you through the process. He/she will help keep you on track toward your goal of being fully funded for your internship.
Q: What kind of personal development can I expect at my assignment?
A: You can expect to have a coach to help you in ministry, to be part of a team, to receive training in your area of ministry, and greater exposure to the ministry of Cru
Q: Is the internship on-location, hybrid, or remote?
The internship is hosted at our World Headquarters in Orlando, FL! The GodTools team operates on a hybrid schedule to offer flexibility and structure.
Q: What happens after my internship ends?
Like other internships, you can reapply for a 2nd year, apply to join as full-time staff, or choose to continue your career in a different direction.