Get involved

Want to help us or get involved?
Here are 5 big ways you can

1. Start a conversation with someone you know

GodTools helps you engage in a conversation about Jesus with anyone. Who has God placed in your life that you want to start a conversation with?

2. Tell someone else about Godtools

Who else do you know who would enjoy exploring our tools? Tell your pastor, your campus ministry, your youth group, your Christian friends.


3. Help make GodTools available in more languages

Do you speak a language other than English? People in more than 180 countries worldwide have downloaded GodTools. We want more of our tips and tools to be available to people in their preferred languages, but we need help making this happen.


5. Give a financial gift to GodTools

With your support, we can help more Christians start a conversation about Jesus with someone they care about.
Help someone start the conversation they’ve been praying for by making a donation to GodTools.
