
How to display the gospel in daily life

Forgiveness. Love. Sacrifice. In conversation your words display the good news of Jesus. But there’s more. The way you live communicates to someone too. People see that faith makes a difference in your daily life by how you treat people and by other choices you make. Both talk and action display the gospel.

So what does this actually look like? Here are some ways you can demonstrate the gospel in your daily life: 

  1. Be generous with who you are.
  2. Be quick to ask for forgiveness.
  3. Give up your time, money and/or reputation for others.
  4. Be open to sharing about your spiritual journey.

Being generous with who you are

Before you do anything, remember that you reflect God’s character. God made humans in his image (Genesis 1:27) and we see different aspects of who he is through the goodness in people. 

Your personality and interests can also show friends and family the love of God. The difference between knowing your results on a personality test and helping someone understand the gospel happens when you choose to give generously from the person you are.

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:1-2, English Standard Version).

Working as a journalist means that I follow people around who have different passions and gifts than I do. While spending time with them I see glimpses of how they imitate God and “walk in love.” An artist writes poems on a typewriter and gives them away to people in her city. A gardener brings his crop to share with his neighbors. A college student helps peers learn from Scripture. 

When you use the hobbies that you have in ways that serve people, you demonstrate the generosity of Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice — his life. Generosity doesn’t have to mean only giving someone material things.

One way to be generous is to intentionally show care to people in ways that are natural for you. If you’re a curious person, asking about how someone grew up demonstrates a real desire to know them. Maybe you are an empathetic introvert. If so, just being present with someone and seeking to understand what they’re going through can mean more than saying a lot of words. If you’re a resourceful problem-solver, you could help a friend with their finance budget or help them talk through a decision they need to make. 

The ways you represent God will not always look the same as the ways other people represent him. And that’s a good thing. You can be honest in showing friends and family the kindness of God through your unique personality and in the midst of your imperfections.

Acknowledge the goodness in someone else

Another way to demonstrate the gospel is to encourage the other person by acknowledging the goodness you see in them. When you notice a characteristic of God in someone else, point out to that person what you appreciate. It could be through a quick text message. Or you could encourage a co-worker, who asked about something in your life, by telling them you value their thoughtfulness. 

You don’t have to strive to perfectly show people what God is like. You can take steps to get to know people and demonstrate the gospel in everyday moments. With intentionality ask yourself, “How can I use time, words or other resources to make someone feel valued today?” Then take opportunities that come to both show and talk about the gospel.

Learn more ways to show people the gospel

This content was adapted from the lesson, “How to demonstrate the gospel with your life.”

Open the lesson in the GodTools app to find out about the rest of the points on demonstrating the gospel and to receive more tips.