
The two things you’ll need to share Jesus with others

Have you ever felt unqualified to talk about God with someone in your life? Maybe you feel like your actions fall short of what you believe. Maybe you don’t think you know enough, or you don’t know what to say.

Most of us feel inadequate to talk about God. And why shouldn’t we? In many ways, God is beyond words. We can feel like we have no right to speak about him. But for some reason, God has chosen us to represent him to the world.

And to represent God to the people in your life this Easter season you’re going to need two things. Thankfully, he has already given them to you.


1. God has given you a story

In 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT) we read that we are Jesus’ “ambassadors,” his representatives, tasked with spreading the knowledge of him everywhere we go. But there’s an important step we need to remember before we jump to the task. In verses 17-18, we see that God has given us a new life, a new story. We are new people. “The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God.”

What was your old life? Think about what your life was like before you began a relationship with God. How has God worked in your life? How is he working now? You have a story of God working in your life that he has given you to share with others. Your story is a gift from God to the people around you.


2. God has given you his Spirit

Not only has God given you a new story, but God has also given you his very Spirit to live in you and give you the words to say. Romans 5:5 says that God “has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” So speak from the heart! Relax and know that the Holy Spirit works through you. You may not know what to say, but he certainly does.

In 2 Timothy 1:7 we read that God has given us his Spirit of “power, love, and self-discipline.” Which of those three things do you need the most? Ask the Holy Spirit to give it to you and trust that he is with you.

So God’s story and God’s Spirit are everything you need to start sharing Jesus with those around you.

Jesus invited his friends into his story — one of suffering, mockery and death, but also of resurrection, life and courage. He gave his followers his own Spirit to guide and empower them. By sharing their story through the power of the Spirit, they started a movement of love that continues today. That story continues with you.

Because God has equipped you, you do not need to feel inadequate to talk about him with others. He has given you his story that is now your story, and he empowers you with his Spirit who lives in you. Will you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, invite someone into that story this Easter season?