Embed Language Instructions

In the embed code that you just received, look for the line in the code that says “data-lang=’en'”. Replace the “en” with the language code from the table below that matches your language. Save your webpage’s edited content and you should be good to go. If you have any issues, feel free to email us at support@godtoolsapp.com. Please keep in mind that not every tool is available in every language. In order for this to work, the tool you are embedding needs to be available in your language.

Language Code
Afrikaans af
Albanian sq
Amharic am
Arabic ar
Arabic (Bahrain) ar-BH
Armenian hy
Azerbaijani az
Bambara bm
Bengali bn
Bislama bi
Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) bs-BA
Bulgarian bg
Burmese my
Cebuano ceb
Chinese Simplified zh-Hans
Chinese Traditional zh-Hant
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
English (Bahrain) en-BH
Estonian (Estonia) et
Finnish fi
French fr
French (Canada) fr-CA
French (Senegal) fr-SN
Georgian ka
German de
Greek el
Gujarati gu
Haitian Creole ht-HT
Hausa ha
Hebrew he
Hindi hi
Hungarian hu
Icelandic (Iceland) is-IS
Indonesian id
Italian it
Japanese ja
Kannada kn
Kazakh kk
Khasi kha
Khmer km-KH
Kinyarwanda rw
Korean ko
Kyrgyz ky
Lao lo
Latvian lv
Lingala ln
Lithuanian lt-LT
Luganda lg
Macedonian mk
Malagasy mg
Malay ms
Malayalam ml
Marathi mr
Mongolian mn
Māori mi
Nepali ne
Norwegian no
Oriya or
Oromo om
Papiamentu pap
Persian fa
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Punjabi pa
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Russian (Central Asia) ru-143
Samoan sm
Serbian (Montenegro) sr-ME
Serbian (Serbia) sr-RS
Shona sn
Sinhala si
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Somali so
Spanish es
Swahili sw
Swedish sv
Tagalog fil
Tamil ta
Telugu (India) te-IN
Thai th
Tibetan bo
Tok Pisin tpi
Tongan to
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Urdu ur
Uzbek uz
Vietnamese vi
Yoruba yo
Zulu zu