The good news
is going forth &
our users are
at the forefront
GodTools has grown in amazing ways this year. More people around the world are regularly using the app because they find it truly helpful. Most importantly, we’re seeing life-changing conversations about Jesus happening through the app.
This growth is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and the dedication of Christians like you who want to share the good news. We’re grateful to be a part of helping you and Christians everywhere talk about Jesus, one conversation at a time.
We believe this growth can be attributed to our amazing partners who have been advocating for and equipping thousands of people with the app.
This insight also aligns with an increased depth of engagement by users in Africa with countries like Nigeria, Cameroon and Liberia at the forefront.
Hearing the gospel in your heart language is more impactful than hearing it in a foreign language. Thanks to incredible local partners, five complete app experiences have been added to GodTools, making conversations about Jesus with native speakers of those languages much more effective. These new languages are German, Japanese, Korean, Swahili and Amharic.
Brazil (+695%), Ethiopia (+1169%), Uganda (+1019), Kenya (+938%), and the DRC (+606%) experienced exponential growth in app usage thanks to a paid advertisement strategy and collaboration with local leaders. This was significant for the African church, especially considering that Africa’s Christian population is the largest in the world and is rapidly growing.
Flying to Albania, Ken sat next to a man fasting for Ramadan, and they ended up in a fun and engaging conversation. Curious about spiritual topics, the man asked Ken about the Bible and the Quran, about Abraham and Mary. After he showed Ken his Quran app, Ken asked, “Has anyone ever shared with you a summary of Jesus’ teaching?” He said, “No,” and added that he’d never read any of the Bible.
Ken opened the GodTools app, selected the Gospel Invitation tool “Knowing God Personally” in both English and Arabic, and handed him the phone. Verse by verse, the man read the gospel in his native language, lighting up with understanding. Sometimes he asked questions; other times he simply read and thought. Ken prayed silently, thankful for GodTools and its design.
Afterward, Ken sent the app to the man’s phone. When they landed, nearby passengers asked Ken about GodTools, so he shared it with them too. One woman texted in reply: “I was praying intently while you were speaking. … It was my first time to hear that on an airplane, and it inspired me. I was in awe of your boldness and also your kindness. This blessed me.”
Being seen, known and loved are universal and powerful needs for all people. In collaboration with Moody Publishing, the “Seen. Known. Loved.” tool introduces and explores The 5 Love Languages©, as developed by Dr. Gary Chapman. This tool explains how people are uniquely invited into a relationship with God through each love language.
Link above only works on a mobile device.
Spirit-Filled Life is the classic version of the “Satisfied?” tool. It has helped hundreds of thousands of Christians discover more about the role of the Holy Spirit, who the Holy Spirit is and how to be filled with the Spirit to live an empowered life.
Link above only works on a mobile device.
In 2024 we focused more on social media content and have seen God and Instagram followers help us reach more people with regular posts about evangelism and the gospel. This summer the GodTools team was also blessed with social media interns who helped us create meaningful content.
One day every language will be used to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Thanks to our incredible language partners, GodTools added 5 complete app experiences and 14 new partial language experiences, for a total of 119 languages served in the app.
Do you want a part of the app translated? Do you see an error in an existing translation? If so, please contact us.
Stay motivated and confident by knowing how far you’ve come and easily picking up right where you left off, thanks to a clear visual progress bar that tracks your Lesson completion.
Gain inspiration, practical tips and community support to confidently share your faith on Facebook. Regular posts feature inspiring stories, the latest GodTools updates and advice for having spiritual conversations.
With a Tagalog app experience, navigating GodTools in Tagalog will be easier and more natural. If you live in the Philippines or a Tagalog-speaking community, GodTools will be more relevant in helping you have conversations about Jesus.
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